Tuesday, December 17, 2013

2013 Christmas...What we miss about Texas and LOVE about ND!!

If you haven't stopped by before, welcome to Leaps of Faith with my Crazies!!  Below is the 2013 Ortega Family Christmas letter.  Please make sure you take a peek at a few of the other posts on our Leap of Faith to ND and become a follower!

2011 Christmas...Never Say Never!!


2011…Where did it go!?!  We have been reflecting on the past year and look back to when the twins were Giancarlo’s age…14.5 months, and he had just arrived.  To recall how we made it with two of him and a new born...the truth is we don’t know or remember.  However, I did ask John this week, if he would ever want to adopt (can you tell I am already getting the baby itch!!)  His response, “I don’t know honey…maybe, but NOT ANY TIME SOON!”  At least he responded to my question this time about more babies!!  I am making progress!

2009 Christmas...What a Year in the Ortega Household!!!

As I sit to write this letter, it is December 15, 2009, 9:15pm.  I am reflecting on how absolutely blessed both John & I are…I am also thinking, the babies could be up in anywhere from 5-7 hours, so why not just send the picture this year w/out the letter & get some sleep!!

2008 Christmas...Lots of Nausea

I was trying to find the 2008 card and realized I was puking my brains out from the twin pregnancy.  Ha!!  No letter this year!

Monday, November 25, 2013

When your Leap of Faith feels like a belly flop...

So, it was the night before giving my notice/resignation/negotiation/whatever that thing was...

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Being a voice...Speak up or Pray up!

What is your God given talent?  When you have had the best day...what happened? 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Break the Surface!! What I tried to teach my interns...

BREAK THE SURFACE!!  Our logo and theme for the Marathon Internship program when I was at the helm.  The best program in the business I might add thanks to an amazing team, advertising agency and Sue Keever the BEST consultant in the business!! ;-)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Princess Pull-Ups...

Options, options, options...Have we begun to give this new lil generation too many choices?  You know all of the books which tell us to give our kids the opportunity to make decisions and have opinions on things, allowing them to feel like they have some control in their little 4 year old lives!?!?!?  Blue PJs or green...Fish crackers or pita chips...Soccer or swimming, Pink sippy cup or purple...boots or slip-ons and on and on.  Anyway, a comment my father made this past weekend, hit home a bit..."Man, so many choices around here..." 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Sometimes all you need is a little COCO Chanel!!

So what is that one thing that makes you feel powerful, sexy, smart, sophisticated and intriguing?  I know, I know the good girl answer should be the Lord, my bible, my hubs, a good workout, etc.  Yeah, yeah, I mean after that stuff...think about it, I want you to really think about it...

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Leaps of Faith!

Well, I thought it only appropriate to ensure the first blog was titled "Leaps of Faith!"  Have you ever taken a LEAP OF FAITH?  I am not talking the run the orange light, say a quick prayer that the virtual camera cops won't send you a ticket in the mail in 5 weeks leap, or the you didn't change the diaper, knowing you probably should have before going into Target kind of leap...No, I am talking like a real LEAP OF FAITH?  The kind where you didn't have a back-up plan; didn't know what would come out the other side; had no cushion on the floor, down on your knees praying, kind of LEAP OF FAITH.  You know the statement "blind faith"...well that's the kind of leap I am talking about.