Thursday, September 26, 2013

Leaps of Faith!

Well, I thought it only appropriate to ensure the first blog was titled "Leaps of Faith!"  Have you ever taken a LEAP OF FAITH?  I am not talking the run the orange light, say a quick prayer that the virtual camera cops won't send you a ticket in the mail in 5 weeks leap, or the you didn't change the diaper, knowing you probably should have before going into Target kind of leap...No, I am talking like a real LEAP OF FAITH?  The kind where you didn't have a back-up plan; didn't know what would come out the other side; had no cushion on the floor, down on your knees praying, kind of LEAP OF FAITH.  You know the statement "blind faith"...well that's the kind of leap I am talking about.

For those of you not familiar with our story, the hubs (we will call him John), and I have taken many leaps of faith since the good Lord has placed us in each other's arms.  The difference is that we didn't have the three little CRAZIES back then.  We were married at the ripe ages of 20 and 21; studied abroad in Hong Kong, yes China, after only 1 year of marriage; had a 100 mile commute to work while the other attended grad school at Texas A&M, WHOOP!; worked in West Africa 28 days on and 28 days off; sold our home in order to have investment money to start a bank at the age of 30; and have most recently not just leaped but dove head first into this current LEAP OF FAITH.

University of North DakotaSchool of Law

It has always been a dream of Johns to get a graduate degree.  Well, in typical Ortega fashion we decided a JD was the one-way ticket to the next level!!  Thus, we are currently 6 weeks into law school, living in a new state, new home, new school for the kids, and I have left the corporate world for a bit to try to keep the calm on the home front.  What in the world were we thinking???  1. I am NOT a calm person and I hate cleaning toilets; 2. John is a multi-tasker, CEO-delegator extraordinaire type who likes to tell people what to do and how to do it.  He is not so much the wanting to learn how to properly site a case from 1978 type; and 3. It is freaking COLD up here!!!  Well, I guess that is where the LEAP OF FAITH comes in.  We know God has got this.  We are here, so this was clearly in his plan right!?!?
Although, this week may seem like a tough one for both of us, and the enemy is trying to weaken our Faith, we both know that God does have this and we will do our best to not be shaken!  Truth I cry sometimes after I drop the kids off at the new school in the parking lot?  Yes.  Do I get sad when I am doing bath time again by myself?  Yes.  Do I miss talking to my life partner about the VP I coached today, or the young engineer I helped to propel forward in their career?  Yes.  Do I miss my amazing girlfriends?  YESSSSSS.  Do I question if we have made the right decision?  Yes.  But as Matthew 8:26 reminds us...He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.  
I know our calm from this different kind of craziness will come.  Trust me...this is nothing like Houston rush hour traffic!  But, at least the anxiety will diminish from this particular phase in our lives.  Knowing the hubs and I though...I am confident when we have landed from this LEAP, we will be setting flight again on another adventure!  So, as I have delayed cleaning the toilets long is time to get to it!
Where is God asking you to take a LEAP OF FAITH?  By re-connecting a lost relationship with a friend or family member?  Making that career change which has been eating at you for three or more years?  Making that tough financial decision to be a SAHM or start your own business?  Whatever it is, please know that God has already been there and back and has laid the path for you.  Keep praying about it, or if you are completely crazy like us...just LEAP!!!  ;-)

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